Friday, June 19, 2009


We did it-- we grew a lawn!!! There are definitely an inordinate amount of weeds (less visible in this photo) but we're working on it. Also I planted some impatients around the holly and it looks quite nice. We're hosting a neighborhood get-together on July 4th weekend with TONS of kids. I'm relieved that the lawn is buffed up enough to withstand all their little feet running around!
This was how it looked just two months ago!In other planting news-- the East of Eden rose I planted in one of the boxes off the deck has the most beautiful flowers now. They are these heavy full roses that just look so romantic. Here are a few that are peeking through to "our" side of the deck.


  1. Lookin' good. Have a wonderful party

  2. Congrats on your new lawn, it looks great! Boy the leaves really screen out the neighbors! That's great!
    The roses from your parents are stunning! I'm sure every bloom is a gift...

  3. Thank you both so much! I just found this morning a major aphid infestation on one of my roses-- eeeek. Gotta take care of that as soon as I get home. Hate aphids :(
