Wednesday, December 10, 2008

pocket door hardware

I neglected the pocket door hardware for the french doors into the music room. There are a surprising number of options, even staying within Baldwin hardware but here's what I'm leaning towards. These pulls (in ORB) would go on the face of the door-- practically speaking they will save the white trim from gookie-ness, but I think it also looks better to have some kind of hardware on the face of the door. Then we have the options for how you actually pull the door from its pocket.
Option one. Clean, simple... but might it be too difficult to open?

Easier to get a hold of the loopy thing but not as refined looking? Would this be easier or more difficult to keep clean?

Last option- this is what my parents have on their (single) pocket door. Might be more than we need though? Would the bigger profile of the hardware be a detraction or would it look nice?
I'm actually kind of stumped on this one.... will revisit tonight with dear husband.

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