Thursday, January 22, 2009


So my little sketch lead me to the idea of putting a wreath over the fireplace. I was feeling a bit of pressure to find the perfect piece of artwork to put up there. Since it's an open floor plan this area becomes a central focus for all three areas (kitchen/dining/family room).... and it was difficult to even imagine what an appropriate piece would be. As I was sketching I kind of threw in the wreath and it seemed to fit. When I showed M. the drawing it was the first thing that caught his eye, "hey, a wreath, that's a great idea for that place!"

So look what I found from Napa Valley Grapevine Wreath Company. Here's from their website, "At the Wood Family Ranch in Napa Valley, winter brings a second harvest. The pruned cuttings from Cabernet Sauvignon grapevines are gathered, stripped of leaves, and bundled. Talented craftsmen take great pride in their work... they weave the recycled grapevine canes in a traditional style known for its symmetry, consistency in thickness and durability."

M. and I love wine (our one cat's name is Zin -- short for zinfandel)-- so I love the idea of the wreath being made of actual grapevines! I also like the idea of decorating it with xmas tree lights during the holidays or little springs from our hydrangeas (i really really really hope they survived their transplanting) in the spring...

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